
The Image of You finally downloadable for my fans in D.C.

Image-of-You.mp3 (71878 downloads)

30 Responses to Downloads

  1. Mauro

    Hi !! Could you write me the lyrics to that song “doctor Nurse” please?

  2. Mauro

    Hi Scott!!
    Any chance you could send me the lyrics to that old song “Doctor Nurse” please?
    I´m not a native speaker of English and I can clearly understand most part of the lyrics, but there are some small details in some parts that are hard for me to make out what you´re saying.
    Mauro from Brazil.

  3. K D

    Thank you, so much! Haven’t been able to find it anywhere. Love this song! Soundtrack of our lives. I’ve shared this link on Facebook, so that my family members can enjoy it too. Thanks again. God Bless You!

  4. SidSweat

    Great news –

    I have not ordered it but plan to. Like you I have been looking for this album. I think the the entire CD is great music that I miss.

    Thanks for the great memories!

  5. Ron Hall

    A beautiful hearfelt ballard that has penetrated the DNA of my soul since my very first listen. LIke many others , I was introduced to this wonderful song on Washington DC’s own WHUR Quiet Storm and it is one of my all time favorites. Thank you for making this available for us ti listen to. Blessing to you,

  6. F. Porter

    Thank you for the song!! Thank You!!

  7. Nikki

    WOW!!! Thank you so very much for making this available for download. I’ve been searching for so long. This song makes me feel good every time I hear it. It brings back so many great memories and awesome feelings from my childhood riding through the streets of DC with my mom listening to this on The Original Quiet Storm. One of my favorite songs!!!

  8. Thanks so much for allowing us to download THE IMAGE OF YOU! The song is so timeless, beautiful, and classic. I am huge fan of WHUR and listen to it via satellite in LA every night. They turned me on to your masterpiece. Thanks to you both! –LB

  9. phaedra.paraison

    It’s obvious that there are many of us from the DC area who love this song.
    Is it possible to make the album available on iTunes, rhapsody or Spotify?

  10. Melvin Taliaferro

    Thank you! It brings back some wonderful memories. Thank you!

  11. Ree

    This masterpiece of a song ‘sounds like Washington’ every time WHUR plays it. Of course every song has a story. It was my understanding that you wrote, “The Image of You,” for a woman singer/songwriter that you knew in New York City. As the story goes, she came to your place in Western New Jersey one weekend and you both played music together. After she left your place, the story continues that you walked out of your place in the late evening and looked up at the sky feeling as though she was looking at the same stars as you; and a shining star gave you an answer. It appears it was a soul connection that neither of you shared with one another. So what happened 25 years later when you and the woman songwriter reconnected over dinner?

  12. Lynnora Roberts

    I am a native of Va. Beach and lived in the MD/DC/VA area for 15 yrs now. I listen to WHUR 96.3 all the time and I happen to hear this song for the first time over the weekend; its been replaying in my head ever since!! I immediately found the link on YouTube.. I sent the link to my friends and family back home and told them to check out this “blue-eyed soul brotha”! LOL In all seriousness, the lyrics, melody and instruments come together so beautifully! Its a shame most of today’s artist LACK the awesome talent you have displayed in your music! Best of luck to you in all your endeavors… I wish I were able to get your last album/CD…. I know it JAMS!!! Blessings to you from Charles County, MD!

    • Lynnora Roberts

      Whether you have blue eyes or brown… it doesn’t matter! I just know you have SOUL running through you and it comes out in your music! 🙂


    Hi Mr Scott
    I want to get or buy the album “Without Rhyme Or Reason”…If is it possible???
    From Santiago – CHILE

    • chiefape

      Sorry for the delay in response. That album is no longer available.

    • Marcellus

      So many (Thank you’s) for “Image of You”. When I was a little boy I use to fall to sleep at night with this song on my mind every time I heard it. I wanted to hear it every night if I could.

      Thank you again

  14. D Jones

    The lyrics and music for this tune couldnt’ve been written any better, very beautiful…..Love it and thank you I could’nt find it anywhere else sir.

  15. Virginia

    Just like the others, I have searched so long for this song. I have always loved it from way back in WHUR Quiet Storm days. Thank you so much for the download.

  16. Wendy Frederick

    I’ve been looking for this song to download for years after I first heard it on WHUR 96.3 FM. Thanks Scott. I just LOVE this song!

    • Vicki Davis

      Thank you so much for providing this download! I love this song and just like everyone else from the DC area, I have been searching for it for a long time. It brings back memories of Melvin Lindsey and when he started the Quiet Storm on WHUR. Today is his birthday and we all still love and remember him and we will always love the Quiet Storm and “The Image of You”. Thank you Scott!

  17. Robert Woodson

    I remember moving to Northern Virginia after graduating from college in 1983 and listening to The Quiet Storm on WHUR and discovered this outstanding piece. Fortunately, I was able to purchase it on CD almost 30 years ago, and it is still one of those songs that I can play, that my wife will give me that look… because it still works magic for us, even after 31 years… OWTSTANDING!!

    I have played if for friends in every city I have lived in since, and nobody has ever been disappointed.
    A fan for life
    Robert (Now in Dallas TX area)

  18. Jah

    I’m from the PG/Charles County Area. I heard this song on WHUR Monday evening. It’s been stuck in my head ever since! I’ve played the YouTube version so many times thinking it would be impossible to find the audio for this. Mr. Jarrett you have another fan. Definitely will be looking for more of your work on iTunes and the web and thank you for making this song downloadable.

  19. KIM NEAL

    Oh my gosh!!!! I cannot tell you how happy I am to have found this download. For years I have been searching far and wide. I use to just listen to the Utube version. Now I can listen whenever I want. My heart is doing the happy dance. Sitting back, closing my eyes, enjoying the music. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

  20. Nette

    I feel like a college student all over again! Ahhh this song will forever bring back fond memories. Thank you so much for this keepsake

  21. Cookie

    I felt like I was the only person in DC who loved or even knew of this song!! It’s the type of song that makes you stop everything (and shush everyone) so you can just enjoy it. An unappreciated masterpiece, but a true gem nonetheless…..Thank goodness for stations like WHUR, and thank you Mr. Jarrett for making this download available!

  22. John McEleney

    Thank you for your magical gift and precious memories of living in the MD/DC area during the fabulous 80’s. Your song will be etched in my mind forever. You nailed it!!! Mr JAM (now in Raleigh, NC)

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